Friday, June 01, 2012

The Sebastian Chronicles: Stuff(ing) from Plan Central


Here goes - another online pre-departure check-in. Though due to some anomalies with booking through BA and Qantas we can't actually check in online pre-departure... I don't understand everything Trixie and Tallulah say, and quite honestly I tune out a lot (though I feel calling me "cloth-ears" was an unnecessary slur; it's not like I can help it). However, they don't seem to be talking nonsense so I'll take them at their word this time.

I am, however, pleased to report that all hotels have been booked. Overnight trains, too, and I'm one excited teddy to be travelling first class on one of our sleeper excursions. Sadly, the second trip brings a demotion to second class where I will have to travel with the masses. Luckily I am known for my forbearance. Get it? ForBEARance? Never mind.

On a longer trip with fewer tight connections, I'm sure Trixie and Tallulah would be more adventurous and head off into the unknown, but on this brief sojourn I'm relieved that all is in place. Just a couple of daytime trains to go, which can't be booked until nearer the time.

The girls have their visas, too. I don't have a passport and I'm a bit concerned about whether this is OK. I don't want to look silly and ask, though. Someone has to maintain dignity on this adventure, especially when it looks increasingly likely that we'll have one hanging off the boat yelling, "SEXY DOLPHINS" and one trying to practise her German in Bangkok. Even more when we're all going to the opera in the SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE! To see the PEARLFISHERS! Sorry, did I get overexcited?

In any case, we're going to be Bizet.


Fluff ya later.


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