Monday, September 30, 2013

The Beauty of Wester Ross

Last week I took my work and a good friend to the north of Scotland. One day we drove over to the Northwest area of Wester Ross, through the central Highlands, because I'm always telling people to go there and no one ever does, so I thought I should maybe make sure that, given the chance to forcibly exhibit this region, I did so.

We were blessed with incredibly good weather in this unpredictable part of the world, especially at the start of autumn, so with minimal waffling I will share some of the wonderful views we enjoyed.

Below is the view over to Loch Broom, as we approach the West Coast.

A photo stop at the head of Little Loch Broom, due to spectacular views in brilliant sunshine.

There was still plenty of heather in bloom. I should note, however, that the picture below is somewhat artificial since we were holding our gathered heather in front of the camera!

Rounding a peninsula, a view over Loch Ewe.

Just before sunset, at Loch Maree.

Seriously. Go there.